• Extended differential ultrasound
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Reconstructive surgery of anatomical abnormalities of the vulva, vagina and perineum
  • Cervical dysplasia
    • Differential Colposcopy
    • Pap Test
    • HPV Test
    • Test p16 / Ki67
    • HPV virus lesions – Condylomata
    • Cervical biopsy
    • Cervix “LEEP” excision
    • Cervix laser excision
  • Endoscopic – hysteroscopic surgery
    • Polyps
    • Fibroids
    • Septum
    • Adhäsions
    • Endometrial ablation with gold net (Novasure)
  • Endoscopic – laparoscopic/robotic surgery
    • Fibroids *
    • Adenomyoma *
    • Total and subtotal hysterectomy *
    • Fallopian tubes tumors
    • Hydrosalpinx
    • Fallopian tube patency test
    • Sterilization
    • Ovarian cysts and tumors
    • Ovarian Drilling with the new ¨LEROS¨ method (Laparoscopic Elektroresektion of Ovarian Surface)
    • Endometriosis
    • Extrauterine pregnancy
    • Adhäsions
    • Same-day discharge laparoscopy
  • Breast
    • Diagnostic palpation
    • Breast and axillary ultrasound
    • Pharmacotherapy of benign breast tumors
    • Mastopathy
    • Mastalgia
    • Mastitis
    • Surgical removal of benign tumors with simultaneous plastic repair


Note: All surgeries are performed by Dr. Raptis himself with assistants of his own choice for maximum safety and efficacy.


    *In case of tissue morcellation during the operation, a closed bag system is used to protect the patient from unsuspected malignancy – contained morcellation. 

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